
Thanks to everyone who has helped in bringing ChickHeat to what it is today

Thanks to everyone who has helped in bringing ChickHeat to what it is today:


Patrick Poulain, he's the one to really thank: we challenged ourselves to create a heatmap (Crazyegg was the challenge origin), but didn't want to host this for people (too many problems to handle and Crazyegg is already there). So thank him for pushing us to release this application as open-source
Jacob Share, for many ideas and security concerns
Jamie Toelle for right-click tracking idea
Anthony Detouche for first call url autofilling
Marton Károly for a scrolling bug under Firefox
Peter Adams for his help on heatmap rendering speed
Pugnacious for his help on debugging the CGI error under IIS
Vincent Audino for his Perl parsing script
Marc Gueury for his Firefox's extension "HTML Validator" that help us write valid XHTML pages


Christoph Kielhorn & Daniel Schlicker, for their efforts in providing a german translation file
David Lienhard, for his german translation of the full installation process
Yuta Yamashita, for his japanese translation and some bug corrections
ProfessorF, for his russian translation
Петро, for his ukrainian translation
Dan Puzdreac, for his romanian translation
Buzkall, for her spanish translation
Rollenc, for his chinese translation
Süleyman and sci-tech, for their turkish translation
Stefan and Top Elt, for their bulgarian translation
Jakub Hejda, for his czech translation
Petrone Orlando Mauro, for his italian translation
Lazar, for his serbian translation
Ton, for his dutch translation
Hendry Lee, for his indonesian translation
Marcos Kenji Watanabe, for his portuguese translation
Frank Schumacher, for his german translation
David Szabo, for his hungarian translation

And to everyone who uses this application, of course! (if your name was forgotten, please mail us!)

Published by 120 on June 3, 2010 at 04:10 p.m..


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